Queen of my Dreams Des Gentils Malabars (Abby)
born 20-06-2017 HD-A mdr1 +/- dm +/- Pra n/n cea klinisch vrij (ouders/parents: Amalie Lynmead Just in Gold & Kiss of Love of a New Horizon)
Abby 4 jaar oud/ Abby 4 years old
3 jaar oud/ 3 years old
op de foto`s is Abby precies 1 jaar oud/ on this pictures Abby is exactly one year old.
11 maanden oud/ 11 months old
8 maanden oud/ 8 months old
8 maanden oud/ 8 months old
15 weeks old on the pictures
Showresultaten 2018/ Showresults 2018
28-10-2018 Badbergen Deutsche Collieclub show untermediair class 3 exellent. Judge Mrs Jane Margetts.
10-08-2018 Amsterdam World Dog Show 2018 Abby exellent Keurmeester/judge Mrs M Vermeire
24-06-2018 Zwolle Hanzeshow 2018 2 very good Judge: D Spruyt (Be).
26-05-2018 Genk the Belgium Collie Association Abby zeer goed. Keurmeester/judge Mr S Clarke
03-06-2018 Woerden op de KCM SHV de Collieclub Abby 4 Exellent Keurmeester/judge Mrs. M.Rukopf
17-03-2018 Dogshow Leiden. Abby 1 Veel Belovend en Beste puppie/ Abby 1 very promising and Best puppy. Keurmeester/Judge: Mrs M.J. Melchior. (Lu).
Showresultaten 2017/ showresults 2017
17-12-2017 Gorinchem Kerstshow. Abby werd op deze show beloond met wederom een 1 VB en Beste puppie/ Again Abby became 1 very promising and Best puppy. Judge: Mevr L. Mouchart. En in de erering 6de Beste puppie/ and in the ring of honeur 6st Best puppie.
19-11-2017 our litle Queen of my Dreams Des Gentils Malabars (Abby) made her debuut into the showring. We did not have any expectations on this but with all her charms she did touched the heart from the judge. She was the only baby and she was rewarded by 1 very promising and Best baby of show. So we also are very happy and proud on our little sweet monster. Judge: Judge: Mrs Kerstin Selle.